/*************************************************************************** File Name : Install.txt Domain : http://www.triangle-solutions.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author : Ian Warner Copyright : (C) 2001 Triangle Solutions Ltd Email : iwarner@triangle-solutions.com URL : http://www.triangle-solutions.com/ Description : Describes the install procedure. Date Created : Saturday 06 December 2003 15:28:50 ****************************************************************************/ Install ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A) To install PHP Support Tickets B) Upgrade a previous version C) Setting up User Accounts D) Using the File Upload A) To install PHP Support Tickets ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Copy all files to a sub directory within your web site. 02. Create a database on your MySQL installation, default for this app is support_tickets (this can be changed in the config.php file, to anything you like.) 03. Import the support_tickets.sql file too add the appropriate tables to your MySQL database. Use PHPMyAdmin to do this. 04. Configure the config.php file, adding the Host, User and Password of your MySQL installation, and changing any aesthetic elements you wish. 05. Method of sending emails is via sockets, so add appropriate info for this. In the config.php file. Making sure that you SMTP Authentication set correctly. Setting this to TRUE when is should be false may cause errors. 06. Add in the ADMIN page Username and Password to the config.php file. Browse to the admin page (usally newsletter/admin/) and Click on 'Users Admin' across the top navigation. Add in all the site users you wish - remembering you must add yourself in to gain access. 07. Make sure you add the appropriate security to the config.php and admin files. Chmod etc. 08. You may edit the header and footer files to your liking. 09. You can allow users to SELF register or not by setting the config file setting to ON or OFF. 10. Please send me an email - iwarner@triangle-solutions.com if you use this app. B) Upgrade a previous version ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Upgrading should be a case of just replacing the files within the previous install. 2. If you have changed any of the files then you will likely have to make the same changes to the new release. This is something I cannot help and it happens with any software releases. 3. The database should always stay the same - I will state explicitly if I have changed any database configuration so that you know that this needs updating. C) Setting up User Accounts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. To add a user log into the Admin side. 2. Click on 'User Admin' in the top navigation of the Admin page. 3. This page will display the input boxes to add a new User and list all existing User of the application. 4. Fill in all the fields and hit submit. 5. Take care that the Username must be unique within the system. 6. The username and password must be 6-16 chars in length and contain no spaces or unusual characters. 7. You may suspend and reactivate user accounts as you see fit - simply click on the action words to the right of the user row. D) Using the File Upload ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. This can be quite complicated to set up and may involve you having to check your PHP.ini file. 2. Firstly in the config make sure that ALLOWATTACHMENTS is set to TRUE. This will place the form on the User and Admin side underneath the response box, and also allow the verification of the upload. 3. Set the MAXFILE size this has to be in BYTES - here I would also check your PHP.ini file to make sure that firstly you allow file uploads and secondly make sure that the Max File Size is set high enough for your desires. I wouldnt allow people to upload files too big though! also check that your TMP UPLOAD folder is set. 4. Next you must set the paths to your upload folder. The first UPLOADPATH must be the absolute path on the server i.e. C:/wwwroot/etc... This folder also must be writable by your webusers, otherwise I cannot dump the files into that. The RELATIVEPATH is used to download the items and must point to the upload folder on the web side i.e. http://www.yourdomain.com/etc.... 5. File types; the first array houses some common MIME file types and one extension for each. This is important that you dont list all the common extensions as this is how I name the file. 6. ALLOWEDTYPES indicates what files types you would like the customers to upload. Simply copy the MIME type into the string, making sure you enclose it with quotes and they are correctly coma seperated. Scan the internet for MIME types that you want to include. I hope the above is all clear if you have any problems understanding anything then please email me at iwarner@triangle-solutions.com, but make sure you have donated first if you want support!